Heartfulness is a worldwide spiritual organization helping humanity to experience peace of mind, develop mental faculties and lead a meaningful life. It offers Heartfulness meditation practice to all men and women, without any distinction of nationality, religion, caste etc.,
This system is evolved from the ancient tradition of Raja Yoga and it uses the spiritual technique of 'Pranahuti' or 'Yogic Transmission'. It enables us to experience our true divine nature in our hearts.As we meditate regularly, we experince internal peace and calmness of mind and progress towards a balanced state of existence. Freeing up the mind from pressures and anxieties, it significantly contributes to our spiritual, mental and physical well-being. The Heartfulness practice is simple and effective and can be done in the comfort of your own home.
With this brief introduction, we invite you all to experience and benefit from it. Those who are willing to take up this practice may please contact the Heartfulness Trainer in your locality given below in "Contact Us" page.
Note: The service is absolutely free of charge because it is a divine service to humanity.